Q. What does your chapter do?

Ans. The Public Relations and Sponsorship chapter of IEEE at RITB plays a dual role. We are responsible for promoting IEEE events and ensuring maximum participation through effective public relations strategies. Additionally, we actively seek and secure sponsorships from companies to support and enhance our events.

Q. What are your chapter’s present year goals?

Ans. Our chapter’s present year goals involve two key areas. Firstly, we aim to strengthen our public relations efforts by increasing awareness and engagement among students through targeted promotional campaigns. Secondly, we strive to establish strategic partnerships with companies to secure sponsorships that enhance the quality and reach of our events.


Shireen Dash

Public Relations Head

Nidhi Bishnoi

Public Relations Co-Head

Prutvi Prakash Shetty

Sponsorship Head

Ranjana Rajesh

Public Relations Vice-Head

Shobhit Srivastava

Annliya Biju

Aditya Sarkar

Siddharth Lunawat

Megha Paul

Diyaa Prasad

Abhiraj Paralkar

Tausif Malek

Abhishek Manoj

Zayaan Hussain

Trisha N Iyer

Aditya Sarkar